Как преобразовать цвета RGB в CMYK и обратно
Как преобразовать цвета RGB в CMYK и обратно
The following functions RGBTOCMYK() and CMYKTORGB()
demonstrate how to convert between RGB and CMYK color
spaces. Note: There is a direct relationship between RGB
colors and CMY colors. In a CMY color, black tones are
achieved by printing equal amounts of Cyan, Magenta, and
Yellow ink. The black component in a CMY color is achieved
by reducing the CMY components by the minimum of (C, M,
and Y) and substituting pure black in its place producing a
sharper print and using less ink. Since it is possible for a user
to boost the C,M and Y components where boosting the black
component would have been preferable, a ColorCorrectCMYK()
function is provided to achieve the same color by reducing the
C, M and Y components, and boosting the K component.
procedure RGBTOCMYK(R : byte;
G : byte;
B : byte;
var C : byte;
var M : byte;
var Y : byte;
var K : byte);
C := 255 - R;
M := 255 - G;
Y := 255 - B;
if C < M then
K := C else
K := M;
if Y < K then
K := Y;
if k > 0 then begin
c := c - k;
m := m - k;
y := y - k;
procedure CMYKTORGB(C : byte;
M: byte;
Y : byte;
K : byte;
var R : byte;
var G : byte;
var B : byte);
if (Integer(C) + Integer(K)) < 255 then
R := 255 - (C + K) else
R := 0;
if (Integer(M) + Integer(K)) < 255 then
G := 255 - (M + K) else
G := 0;
if (Integer(Y) + Integer(K)) < 255 then
B := 255 - (Y + K) else
B := 0;
procedure ColorCorrectCMYK(var C : byte;
var M : byte;
var Y : byte;
var K : byte);
MinColor : byte;
if C < M then
MinColor := C else
MinColor := M;
if Y < MinColor then
MinColor := Y;
if MinColor + K > 255 then
MinColor := 255 - K;
C := C - MinColor;
M := M - MinColor;
Y := Y - MinColor;
K := K + MinColor;
Автор: p0s0l